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Luxury Services and Goods Websites

Luxury services and Goods Websites, need a luxury look and style to their website. Using Top Content websites can be created which reflect brand values and products along with the latest website design features.



Top Content CMS websites:

Our easy to use CSM allows the completion of various tasks, inhouse, including:

  • Updating of Services
  • Uploading of coaches Photos
  • Creation of New Coaches
  • Hire Categorising
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Floor Design London is unique to Top Content's business CMS websites as it acts as a company portfolio. The site's emphasis is on design and includes many images. Other features include:

  • image gallery
  • sliding banner of product category images
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The Fleur Jewellery website has been created through the Top Content business CMS. With a strong visual effect to the user Fleur were able to show off their brand and products. Top Content features include:

  • Custom branding
  • Media Files
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The 1st Surface website was created through the Business Top Content CMS and as they operate in a niche market, custom features had to be created for the site such as:


  • FAQ section
  • interactive banner
  • image gallery
  • news module
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